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Creating Way-V Structure

O que é Way-V

O Way-V é uma plataforma de checklist digital para realizar inspeções práticas em uma variedade de empresas a partir de um aplicativo mobile para realizar essas listas de verificação.
Com o integrador BIMachine + Way-V você poderá extrair os diversos dados de seu sistema com apenas alguns cliques. A plataforma BIMachine se encarrega de gerenciar todo o fluxo de dados da Way-V e entregar de forma mais intuitiva e visual.
To integrate Way-V with BIMachine, you will first need to obtain your user access key (token).

Obtendo a chave de acesso

  1. You need to get an access token to integrate Way-V with BIMachine. Contact Way-V support for more information.

Creating integration in BIMachine

To create a Way-V integration, access “Data and Integrations” under the “Manage Environment” icon.
When accessing the Data and Integrations environment, click on the “+” icon , and then Data Source.
A popup will open, look for the Way-V integration.
You will be redirected to the screen for creating a new data structure, and you must inform the name that this new structure will have and its description. With name and description filled in, click next.
Na próxima tela, insira as informações abaixo:
  • Key/Token: Corresponds to the access token generated in step (1)
And select the type of integration you want to perform.


Our integration will bring all the Way-V data, some of which are:
  • Checklists – checklist ID, name, person responsible, checklist note among other columns;
  • Users – Supplier, NF, carrier, address, CNPJ, implantation among other columns;
  • Task – Checklist questions such as: how, when, how much, status, priority, among other columns;
  • Companies – Company that sends the checklist;
  • Templates – Checklist Templates. You need to use the template ID to integrate with BIMachine.
A new analytical structure will be created within the BIMachine platform that will enable the visualization of Way-V data. If you are unsure about data standardization and adjustments, see the related article that explains the classification of structures.
If you have questions, you can access the Way-V documentation for more information. If you still need help, please contact us!

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