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Types of users

Each user has a type of access that grants privileges on the information and use of the resources in the project. With this feature the administrator ensures that only the people he wants can use and have more advanced features of the platform.


Has access to environment navigation without editing permission or advanced resources. It can access any resource (Dashboards, analytics, etc) as long as it is made available by the Environment Administrator. In addition, it allows the following resources:
  • Insert comments in analyses and dashboards;
  • Create your favorites list;
  • Navigate between projects and their resources;
  • Change language and regional settings of your own profile;
  • Create Presentations, see more here;


Has access to the navigation of the environments without editing permission or advanced features. It can access any resource (dashboards, analytics, etc) as long as it is made available by the Environment Administrator. In addition, it allows the following resources:
  • Insert comments in analyses and dashboards;
  • Create your favorites list;
  • Navigate between projects and their resources;
  • Change language and regional settings of your own profile;
  • Create Presentations, see more here;
  • Change layout of analytical objects already created and save;
  • Create/edit Folders (within your "Home Folder").
Soon the Explorer user will no longer exist. All Explorer users already created will be replaced by Expert


Has access to navigation of the environments with editing permission and some advanced features. You can access any resource (Dashboards, analytics, etc). In addition it allows the following features:
  • Insert comments in analyses and dashboards;
  • Create your favorites list;
  • Navigate between projects and their resources;
  • Change language and regional settings of your own profile;
  • Create Presentations, see more here;
  • Change layout of analytical objects already created and save;
  • Create/edit Folders;
  • Create analytical objects (analytics, dashboards, KPIs, etc.).


Possui acesso a navegação dos ambientes com permissão para tudo. Pode acessar qualquer recurso (Dashboards, análises, etc). Além disso permite os seguintes recursos:
  • Insert comments in analyses and dashboards;
  • Create your favorites list;
  • Navigate between projects and their resources;
  • Change language and regional settings of your own profile;
  • Create Presentations, see more here;
  • Change layout of analytical objects already created and save;
  • Create/edit Folders;
  • Create analytical objects (analytics, dashboards, KPIs, etc.).
  • Schedule sending objects;
  • Invite new users and create groups;
  • Create/edit Structures;
  • Changing users’ access level (only the Master Administrator can grant an administrator profile).


Unlike the other levels, this one is unique (there is only one Master), he is the "owner" of the project. Besides having all the permissions of a "normal" administrator, it allows the following features:
  • Grant Administrator access level (administrators can only grant Expert at most);
  • Disable the project;
  • Delete the project;
  • Replicate the project;
  • Manage account.
The following is a grid of features and profiles according to the permission level of the BIMachine tool:
Note: Objects can have their permissions set independently. (e.g. even if user "Luiz" is an "Expert" you can restrict his view on "analysis A"). 
Note: "Objects" are any intelligence created in BIMachine. 
Example: (analyses, maps, etc).

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